Brand Voice Email Course

Learn the Exact Process i use to develop brand voices for 7-and-8 figure brands.

Get Lesson #1 right away! 👇


    Get lesson #1 right away 👇

    If you’ve ever struggled to write copy for your brand that feels right or you’ve spent ages typing, then deleting, then typing, then deleting until you say “f*ck it, that’ll do”, then this is the course for you.

    Likewise, if you want to…

    âś… Win over more customers
    âś… Stand out from your competition
    ✅ Always write stuff that’s 100% on-brand and packed full of personality
    âś… Turn your brand all the way up to 11 and build an audience of loyal fans
    âś… Spend less time crying at the keyboard wondering what to say
    âś… Steal the process behind the voices of 7-and-8 figure brands
    âś… Learn how to write in a way that really connects with your target audience

    This whole course is a condensed version of the *exact* process I use to help 7-and-8 figure brands (like Animal) find, hone and own their distinctive voice.

    Over 5 emails, we’ll deep-dive into your brand, your competitive landscape and your customers to develop you a brand voice that makes the right customers say “holy shit, that’s the brand for me!”

    Sound good? Let’s do this thing.  

    Whack your name and email address here and I’ll send you Lesson #1 right away. point

      Who is this guy?

      Hey, I’m Jack!

      (I don’t make people call me The Brand Voice Guy in real life…)

      I’m a copywriter-slash-brand strategist that specialises in helping lifestyle brands absolutely nail their brand voice.

      This course is based on the same process I’ve used to help HUGE brands find their voices and put them to work winning over more customers.

      I’ve squeezed and jammed as much advice, knowledge and information  into these emails as I can so you can start taking your brand to the next level right away. 

      See you in your inbox! 👊Â